About Us

The Best Way To Get Your Next Agent

The What

ChooseTopAgent.com uses closed transactions, not a sales pitch, to ensure you only interview the top producing agents. These agents are specific to your specific property location, property type and property price point.

It's this personalization & the fact that we don't have a list of "insider" agents, that separates us from the competition. Other companies either use their own licensed agents to send you, or create a list of standby agents they always send out to clients in any general location.

Data is always changing. We can't have lists because a top agent today in say condos in Long Beach, CA may not be the top agent a year from now. Anything can happen. When you strictly use data you ensure that you always interview the top producers at that time, in that area, in the type of property you're looking to sell. That's the ChooseTopAgent.com difference.

The How

Our proprietary system and analysis was developed from years of handling our own properties nationwide and making our own mistakes in the early days of “falling for someone that sounded really good”.

Through the years we’ve perfected our system. It’s not just about data it’s about what’s important to you as an individual which is something ChooseTopAgent.com listens to.

Current and up-to-data data & personalization is why our clients win every time.

The Why

As stated previously. We started this for our own investment and regular market listings over 15 years ago.

Everyone deserves to have accurate information, hard data to start the journey of hiring the right agent for their specific needs.

Relying on what people say or how they sound, can lead to costly mistakes. Today, more than ever before, time is precious.

We’re here to provide a platform that will give you the tools to start your journey of looking for the right real estate agents to meet your needs. So sit back and relax, with ChooseTopAgent.com you have piece of mind.

At ChooseTopAgent.com, we understand that buying or selling a home can be a complex and emotional process. That's why we're committed to providing you with the best possible experience in looking for a local real estate agent with the right experience.

Our platform has helped countless buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals, and we're here to do the same for you.

We believe that finding the right real estate agent is the key to a successful transaction. That's why we've created a platform that makes it easy for you to find and connect with the best local agents in your area. We use data to carefully vet each agent we send you to interview. To ensure that they have the experience, expertise, and dedication needed to help you achieve your goals.

Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to start your journey in the process of buying or selling a home. We believe in transparency and honesty, and we're committed to providing you with data and not a sales pitch to start your journey.

At the end of the day, most of our clients feel that every agent they talk to says they're the top local real estate agent. They can't all be the top. Our algorithm separates those that are and are not so you have a roadmap to start your journey. Trust data, not a sales pitch.

At ChooseTopAgent.com, we're more than just technology platform. We're a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping you achieve your real estate goals. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or an experienced investor, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing ChooseTopAgent.com to start the process of finding the top agents to interview. We look forward and are 110% dedicated to providing you excellent service.


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a CA DRE licensed ID 02205898

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ChooseTopAgent.com DBA OutfitRealty.com a CA DRE licensed ID 02205898

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